This test is usually required for almost all non-native English speakers to assess their communication ability in an English speaking country

There are two different modules of IELTs

  • Academic module (for overseas students)
  • General Module (for overseas professionals )

If you are wondering about “IELTS UKVI” (IELTS for UK Visa & Immigration) then don`t worry, it is not another Module / type it is the same IELTS General or Academic but taken in a room with video recording, to ensure that the test is given by the same candidate. it is slightly expensive &reflected on your Certificate.

Each module has 4 different Sections,

  1. Listening (30 minutes, 40 questions)
  2. Reading (60 minutes, 40 questions)
  3. Writing (60 minutes, 2 tasks. a letter for general test, a report for academic test  & an Essay for both)
  4. Speaking (up to 14 minutes )

All the four Sections are design to figure-out the analytical skills, not just pen & paper etc.

IELTs doesn’t result in pass or fail, however the result reflects proficiency in bands i.e…  Band -9.0 is the maximum score which shows an expert user.